Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Architecture Of Ancient Egypt

The Egyptians built different kinds of buildings at different times. In the early part of the Old Kingdom, the Egyptians built mainly mastabas, a kind of tomb with a flat roof like a house. Then throughout most of the Old Kingdom, the Egyptians built the pyramid tombs which are now so famous. Then in the New Kingdom there was a lot of temples for the gods especially and palaces for the Pharaohs. And most notably the Egyptians are most famous for building the pyramids.

1. How did the Egyptians draw the designs of their monuments?
2. Who was the main part of constructing the Pyramids?
3. How long it took the Egyptians to build the Pyramids?

-Tyldesley, Joyce (2011). Ancient Egypt and the Modern World. Retrieved July 05, 2011, from
-Pyramids (2010). Retrieved July 05, 201, from


  1. 3. The amount of time needed would depend on the size of the pyramid, but on average it would take about 20 to 30 years to complete the construction of one pyramid.

  2. 3. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, the Great Pyramid took 20 years to construct and demanded the labour of 100,000 men.

  3. 3. It took them 20 years to construct and needed 100 000 men
